Academics » K-12: Academic Standards

K-12: Academic Standards

Al-Noor Academic Program Elementary & Middle School


  • iReady Reading and Math
  • NYS ELA 3-8
  • NYS MATH 3-8
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Qur'an
  • Islamic Studies
  • Arabic
  • Art and Annual Art Fair Project
  • Computer Science - Coding/Typing
  • Gym
  • STEM Program (grade offered differs by year)


8th Grade Accelerated Programs

  • NYS Regents Living Environment
  • NYS Regents Algebra I 
(only available for students who qualify)

Al-Noor Academic Program High School

Qur'an Memorization: 9-12, Juz' Ama +

Islamic Studies: 9-12

World Language: 9 Arabic, 10 Arabic, 11 NYS Regents Arabic, 12 Advanced Arabic or Conversational Spanish or French. New York State Biliteral Seal in Arabic (NYSSB)

English: 9 ELA, 10 ELA, 11 NYS ELA/SAT English, 12 AP® English Literature and Composition

Mathematics: 9 NYS Regents Algebra I, 9/10 NYS Regents Geometry, 10/11 NYS Regents Algebra II/SAT® Math, 11/12 Pre-Calculus AP®,  12 AP® Calculus AB*

*Students who enter 9th grade with Algebra I, take the accelerated track.

Sciences: 9 NYS Regents Living Environment, 9/10 NYS Regents Chemistry, 10/11 Environmental Science or NYS Regents Physics, 11/12 Health

*Students who enter 9th grade with Living Environment, take the accelerated track.

Social Studies: 9 Global History I and Geography, 10 NYS Regents Global History II and Geography, 11 US History and Government, 12 Economics and Civics

Social Science: 12 AP® Psychology

Art: 9 Art and Annual Art Fair Project, 12 Graphic Design 

Computer Studies: 9

Gym: 9-12

PSAT/NMSQT® and SAT®: 9-11

PSAT/NMSQT® SAT®is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which are not affiliated with, and do not endorse this website.

NYS Regents Classes

Grade 8

  • NYS Regents Living Environment
  • NYS Regents Algebra I*  (only available for students who qualify)

Grade 9

  • NYS Regents Algebra I 
  • NYS Regents Living Environment 

Grade 10

  • NYS Regents Global History 
  • NYS Regents Chemistry
  • NYS Regents Geometry

Grade 11

  • NYS Regents Physics* 
  • NYS Regents Algebra II 
  • NYS Regents English Language 
  • NYS Regents Arabic
  • NYS Regents US History 
*non-regents option available NYS Math in 8th grade and Environmental Science in 11th grade.

NYS Seal of Biliteracy

Beginning 23-24, for students who earn the minimum requirements of a Regents diploma and earn 3 points in English and 3 points in Arabic.

Grade 9/10

  • ELA
  • World Language: Arabic 

Grade 11/12

Grade 12

  • Culminating Project in Arabic and English (2pts per language) Rubric here 

Advanced Placement Courses ® College Board 

Every school year, Al-Noor School offers various Advanced Placement® courses based on student demand and teacher availability.  An AP (Advanced Placement® course) is a college-level course that students take in high school and concludes with an AP® exam in May.  It requires a higher level of commitment to studying and a deeper understanding of the subjects.  Typically, 9th and 10th grade students may take 1 Advanced Placement® course in a school year.  Juniors and seniors may take more than one. Remember, it's the students' responsibility to balance their course workload with all the other commitments.  Here are some benefits of completing an Advanced Placement® course:

  1. Studying a subject in depth could give new insights and even put you on the path to a career
  2. An opportunity to develop college skills, time management, critical thinking, and scholarly writing
  3. An AP® score could transfer to college credits and allow you to graduate faster from college
  4. “AP®” on your high school transcript shows colleges you’ve tackled college-level work

The available courses this year 2023 - 2024 are as follows:

The following AP courses are offered only to seniors within their normal school schedule:

Check back in October to see if other courses are offered based on teacher availability and student interest, past courses include:

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with and does not endorse this website.