Application Forms
- Parents fill out an application package in the main office to place your child on the waiting list - once space is available you will be contacted.
- Students will take an entrance examination in May, June, or August.
- Because of limited space, students will be selected based on the entrance exam results.
Click for Wait List Application Here

Click for List of Admission Documents Here
The following documents are needed to complete your child’s file prior to admission. Fill out the Following Forms:
- Admission Application
- Textbook Loan Request
- Arabic Agreement
- Emergency Card
- Lunch Form
- Student Racial and Ethnic Identification Form
- Video/Picture Release
- Probationary Acceptance Agreement
- Home Language Questionnaire
- Physical Exam Form (Form must be filled out by child’s doctor before the child enters classroom)
Please bring the following documents:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Two (2) Proofs of Address
- Two (2) passport-sized photos